Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dazed and confused?


Considering that I'm a guy who's immersed in a social circle comprising of design students.. both Industrial design and Digital media design.. it's not uncommon ot come across people's blogs whereby they use symbols and whatnots to express their expressions... and here are some of the variations of the *dazed* look on their faces:

*_* O_O X_X x_x @_@ O.O T_T

I'm sure many of you have come across such things.. but how come don't have
!_! one ar? or maybe we shud start using ?_?..hurhurhur.

Anyways.. ot those out there who are having the above expressions.. I'm sure with the added hard work and reduced slacking.. you'll rise above your problems. Till then... n_n.



PS: doing that last sentence took alot of gall and I'm shuddering as I think of what people might think of who I have become.. but nevermind. X_X

Sunday, January 01, 2006

First Quote of the New Year


Had a conversation with Amanda regarding her msn pic:

A: 'haha yeah, I don't squat on the floor and stick out my tongue all the time you know'

C: 'mmhmm sorta figured that out on my own, otherwise I'd have deleted this msn contact long ago XD'

A: 'haha, why?'

C: 'well I'm not sure if I wanna associate myself with a full-time squatter-cum-tongue-sticker-outer'

A: 'Lol, who knows?'



Friday, October 14, 2005

Quote that should have appeared so long ago


Jessie has the knack for starting her sentences with:

'Hey (person in question's name), ask you ah...'

my gosh... it's almost become like my standard start-of-presentation line:




Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Quote of the Holiday


'Wow, comfortable leh... feels like, like I'm sitting sun-tanning on Phuket BITCH... yeah like Phuket BITCH'

For all I know, Ayob was mis-pronouncing 'beach' as 'bitch', but what the hey.. it's all good fun. LOL.



Monday, October 10, 2005

Quote Of The Week I


Robert said this to me last night:

"Don't let the cats out or I'll shoot you"



Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Just got it from a conversation


Okay, some more acronyms, but the first one I heard it from the radio one morning:

JWLIAB, BHP: Just When Life Is A Bitch, Bitch Has Puppies

PH4M,MF: Pray Hard For Me, My Friend(s)

TWVL, MF: That Was Very Lame, My Friend

PAINT: Painful, Today



Sunday, July 17, 2005

Acronyms During Rhino Lesson


FILLET: For I Learnt Literally Everything's Troublesome

T,RIM: Today, Reading Is Mandatory

BOOLEAN: Body Odour Often Leaves Exceptionally Appalling Notions

EXTRUDE: EXTremely RUDE (duh)

ARR,AY: Anybody Really Restricted, Appropriate Yourself (for those whose shit happens)

LAYERS: Look, All You Ever Rendered Sucks

JOIN: Jokers Often Inhale Nastily

Heehe.... just having some fun.

