Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Just got it from a conversation


Okay, some more acronyms, but the first one I heard it from the radio one morning:

JWLIAB, BHP: Just When Life Is A Bitch, Bitch Has Puppies

PH4M,MF: Pray Hard For Me, My Friend(s)

TWVL, MF: That Was Very Lame, My Friend

PAINT: Painful, Today



Sunday, July 17, 2005

Acronyms During Rhino Lesson


FILLET: For I Learnt Literally Everything's Troublesome

T,RIM: Today, Reading Is Mandatory

BOOLEAN: Body Odour Often Leaves Exceptionally Appalling Notions

EXTRUDE: EXTremely RUDE (duh)

ARR,AY: Anybody Really Restricted, Appropriate Yourself (for those whose shit happens)

LAYERS: Look, All You Ever Rendered Sucks

JOIN: Jokers Often Inhale Nastily

Heehe.... just having some fun.



Saturday, July 16, 2005

My Friends....


Righty-oh, this sort of stemmed from an msn conversation between myself and Giant Zucchini a little over a month back:

IP4U,MF: I'll Pray For You, My Friend

OMG/G/GGM, IP4U,MF: Oh My God/Goodness/Goodness Gracious Me, I'll Pray For You, My Friend

ICTP4U,MF: I'll Continue To Pray For You, My Friend

IPU,MF: I Pity You, My Friend

URD,MF: You Are Dumb, My Friend

W,MF: Whatever, My Friend

URC,MF: You Are Crazy, My Friend

RUM,MF?: Are You Mad, My Friend?

WSC,MF: We Shall See, My Friend

WTF,MF: What The Fuck, My Friend

GH,MF: Go Home, My Friend

UG2BKM,MF: You've Got To Be Kidding Me, My Friend

GTG,MF: Gotta Go, My Friend

TAGN4ARB,MF: That's A Good Name For A Rock Band, My Friend

Well, there's still some more of this stuff in my brain, but I guess I'll reserve it till next time.



What's This?


Okay, now that I've just started my new off-shoot acronyms series from my classic blog, I'm just doing this because I've found that I have recently been exposed to lots of acronyms, and lots of them are pretty dumb, but some are also pretty cool.

So check it out while you can, and have a great time using this blog if I ever use the acronyms in my posts.

