Righty-oh, this sort of stemmed from an msn conversation between myself and Giant Zucchini a little over a month back:
IP4U,MF: I'll Pray For You, My Friend
OMG/G/GGM, IP4U,MF: Oh My God/Goodness/Goodness Gracious Me, I'll Pray For You, My Friend
ICTP4U,MF: I'll Continue To Pray For You, My Friend
IPU,MF: I Pity You, My Friend
URD,MF: You Are Dumb, My Friend
W,MF: Whatever, My Friend
URC,MF: You Are Crazy, My Friend
RUM,MF?: Are You Mad, My Friend?
WSC,MF: We Shall See, My Friend
WTF,MF: What The Fuck, My Friend
GH,MF: Go Home, My Friend
UG2BKM,MF: You've Got To Be Kidding Me, My Friend
GTG,MF: Gotta Go, My Friend
TAGN4ARB,MF: That's A Good Name For A Rock Band, My Friend
Well, there's still some more of this stuff in my brain, but I guess I'll reserve it till next time.